Taylor Estate
Between 2015 and 2017 we were engaged as Access Consultants by Tait Network, on three projects to provide and assessment and certification role for the planning of the Taylor Estate Stages 1, 2 and 3.
Our engagement included Estate Development Plan (EDP), Detailed Design (DD) and Construction stages. These projects involved the design for the ACT Government of new large suburban estate in the Gungahlin region in the ACT. We worked with the Landscape Architects and Planners on developing an approach to addressing disability access across the Estate and particularly the steep areas of the site.
Our assessment of the Design work included looking at linkages from residential, retail and community facilities in the suburb to bus stops, the general pedestrian path network community and urban open spaces including parking at the recreation ovals.
We undertook in a study and Access and Mobility Report to provide guidelines to the Land Development Agency in the Civil design of the Molonglo Urban development (ACT). The guidelines from the report were adopted and applied in the design works for Taylor Estate Stage.
We continue to work with Tait Network in providing similar services for the Construction stages for Taylor Estate Stage 3 and Ginninderry Estate in Belconnen.